Sevier Lake Basin

Observed flow volumes within the Sevier Lake Basin were above to much above average for the April-July period. Early season forecasts between January and March were lower than what was observed as they tend to parallel snowpack conditions which were below average until March. The snowpack jumped above average by March and remained there into May and June. Forecasts were increased each month from March to June, influenced by the persistent above average snowpack, and were more inline with observed runoff values.

The majority of observed runoff values fell within the 10 percent and 90 percent exceedence range of the forecasts issued between April and June.

Observed data in the Sevier Lake Basin is typically limited due to amount of diversions and timelag in calculating natural flow, however initial values for a few sites fell within the 10% and 90% exceedance boundaries of the forecasts. Early season forecasts tended to overshoot the observed volumes while late season forecasts were near or below the observed volumes.