
Autumn 2012 Meeting


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


2242 West North Temple

Salt Lake City, UT 84116


Conference Line: 877-806-1434

Participant Code: 2917536


WebEx Meeting

Meeting Number: 681 671 983

Meeting Password: CRFS


1. Go to

2. If requested, enter your name and email address.

3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: CRFS

4. Click "Join".

5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.



10:00 am         Welcome and Introductions

10:15 am         CBRFC/NRCS: Recap of 2012 runoff forecasts for Upper and Lower Colorado River Basins, and outlook for next year

11:00 am         CBRFC: Innovative technology and product developments at the CBRFC

11:30 am         Snow Modeling and Data Needs – Bobbie Klein and Lisa Dilling (WWA) – (Requested but unconfirmed)

12:00 pm         Lunch

1:05 am           NRCS: Innovative technology and product developments at the NRCS

1:30 am           Reclamation: Innovative technology and product developments

·         UC/LC

o    24-Month Study

o    Basin Study

o    CRSS

·         Upper Colorado

o    MTOM

o    GRM

·         Lower Colorado

o    Side Inflows

o    Evaporation Study

                 2:00 pm   CRFS Agency Updates


·         Please furnish an electronic copy or summary of your presentation prior to the meeting to Heather Hermansen for inclusion with the meeting minutes

·         For agencies with operational mandates, please provide a report on projected operations, modifications of operations or water supply forecasting within the Colorado Basin, any plans for revising or augmenting data collection systems based on this year’s expected runoff.

·         For agencies with forecasting mandates, please provide a report on any forecasting issues/problems encountered and any forecast model improvements made prior to or during the water year, and any anticipated needs.

·         The following agencies are expected to present updates:

o    Army Corp of Engineers

o    USBR- Upper Colorado Region

o    USBR- Lower Colorado Region

o    Western Area Power Administration

o    US Geological Survey

o    Natural Resource Conservation Service

o    National Weather Service, CBRFC



3:00 pm           Business

·         Next meeting date

·         Miscellaneous


3:15 pm           Adjourn


cc: (email)

Bruce Williams, USBR-LC

Shana Tighi, USBR-LC

Paul Miller, USBR-LC

Dan Bunk, USBR-LC

Brian Wuerker, USBR-LC

Gina DeRosa, USBR-LC

Noe I Santos, USBR-LC

Malcolm Wilson, USBR-UC

Heather Hermansen, USBR-UC

Paul Davidson, USBR-UC

Katrina Grantz, USBR-UC

Ed Vidmar, USBR-UC

Dan Crabtree, USBR-UC

Erik Knight, USBR-UC

Ryan Christianson, USBR-UC

Susan Behery, USBR-UC

Michelle Stokes, NOAA

Kevin Werner, NOAA

Brenda Alcorn, NOAA

Brent Bernard, NOAA

Greg Smith, NOAA

Ashley Nielson, NOAA

Angus Goodbody, NRCS

Cory Angeroth, USGS

Greg Peacock, USACE

Ned Araujo, USACE

Sam Loftin, WAPA